Ministry & Mission

Community Food Pantry
The Underwood Hills Community Pantry is one way our congregation works to live God’s message in the surrounding neighborhoods. The food pantry is stocked solely through donations which provide much needed assistance for the food insecure in the community

Crossroads Connection
“I was in prison and you came to visit me… I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these, you did for me.” ~Jesus Matthew 25:36, 40
We here at Underwood Hills Presbyterian Church host the Crossroads Connection Prison Ministry. Crossroads is a community of churches in Omaha who have joined together to assist prison inmates in their transition back to life outside of prison. We work to develop relationships with ex-offenders, the prison system and the members of many partner churches to support former inmates to find their way back into society through the caring support of Christ’s followers.
Crossroads Connection is blessed to have grown to have many partner churches! The most up-to-date schedule of meetings and locations may be seen at:
Hillside Elementary
Hillside Elementary School, (a school in the Westside District) is three blocks from Underwood Hills Presbyterian Church. It is an inviting and supportive community, with approximately 400 students. The school’s mission is to educate all students to be successful citizens by fostering academic excellence, encouraging character development and meeting the unique needs of the learner.
Hillside’s student population is diverse and half of the students qualifying for free and reduced price meals.
UHPC has done school supplies with the school in the past. In August 2019 the principal Ms. Cynthia Bailey joined us for worship here, and shared her vision for our partnership in a mission witness. A cadre of cooks, mentors, and school supply gatherers are now planning to expand our ministry to the school and the teachers who serve there.
Since the rest of our missions have web links: