Upcoming Events

All Church Sunday School
Second Sundays During the School Year @ 9:00 am
Sunday School for everyone! Everyone! All-Church Sunday School is for members, visitors, extended family members, friends, and everything in between. Whether you have the Bible memorized of have never cracked it open, This is a fast paced way to engage in faith, community, and Bible Study.

Souper Supper!!
Thursday, January 23rd @ 6:00 pm
Barring any bad weather we will be having a warm supper of delicious soups, bread and dessert (of course!). There will be a list to sign up posted as we get closer to the date, but put on your thinking caps as to what soup you would like to bring to share.
And be sure to mark the date on your calendar!d be sure to mark the date on
your calendar!

After Worship Fellowship
Every Sunday! Join us!
Previous Events
All Church Sunday School
Sunday, February 5th, 2023
Sunday School for everyone! Everyone! All-Church Sunday School is for members, visitors, extended family members, friends, and everything in between. Whether you have the Bible memorized of have never cracked it open, This is a fast paced way to engage in faith, community, and Bible Study.
Chili while it’s Chilly
Sunday, January 22, 2023

Session Retreat
Saturday, January 7, 2023
Carols and Hot Chocolate
Sunday, January 1st, 2023