What We Believe

Living a life of faith with Jesus Christ as our teacher, guide, mentor, Savior is the foundational principal.  He taught that we should love God and love our neighbor.  At Underwood Hills Presbyterian Church we seek to do that by, “being a loving, caring church, reaching out to the community to share Christ’s love.

 What do Presbyterians believe?  Here is an excerpt of Frequently Asked Questions about our faith.

Belonging to God: A First Catechism
Approved by the 210th General Assembly (1998) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Who are you? I am a child of God.
What does it mean to be a child of God? That I belong to God, who loves me.
What makes you a child of God?  Grace — God’s free gift of love that I do not deserve and cannot earn.
Don’t you have to be good for God to love you? No. God loves me in spite of all I do wrong.
How do you thank God for this gift of love?  I promise to love and trust God with all my heart.
How do you love God? By worshipping God, by loving others, and by respecting what God has created.
What did God create?  God created all that is, seen and unseen.
What is special about human beings? God made us, male and female, in the image of God.
What does it mean that we are made in God’s image? It means we are made to reflect God’s goodness, wisdom and love.
Why, then, do we human beings often act in destructive and hateful ways?  Because we have turned away from God and fallen into sin.
What is sin?  Sin is closing our hearts to God and disobeying God’s law.
What are the results of sin?  Our relationship with God is broken. All our relations with others are confused.
How does God deal with us as sinners? God hates our sin, but never stops loving us.

What to Expect

We celebrate(!) with music, and you will hear the sanctuary filled with wonderful music and enthusiastic singing. We strive to be energetic and not stuffy!  Special music is usually performed by members of the congregation, including drum-piano and organ-piano duets, songs accompanied by guitar and/or piano

Worship Time & Style

Service at Underwood Hills is a lively affair with a mixed-traditional style! Service is at 10:30 am on Sundays. We have a Children’s Moment and Special Music each week. Communion is held on the first Sunday each month and is open to all who believe in Christ. Service usually ends around 11:30 am with fellowship and food after! We’re not a “formal” or “stiff” church, so stop by and let us get to know you!

If you are interested, we have an intergenerational Bible Study, usually held at 9:00 on the second Sunday of most months.

Laura Sing



We utilize both bulletins and a projector, and have speakers in the front and back of the sanctuary.
All of the church is wheelchair accessible.
